New Publication – Improving Outcomes for Individuals with Sex Offenses

Improving Outcomes for Individuals with Sex Offenses

Friends Outside Los Angeles County is pleased to announce the release of its publication, “Improving Outcomes for Individuals with Sex Offenses.”  Written in partnership with two researchers, Luis Barrera Castanon, Ph.D., and Marco Murillo, Ph.D., the publication is our final report to the project funder, the California Workforce Development Board.   We undertook the project because of the dearth of information about persons with sex offenses (“registrants”), the myths surrounding them, the stigma against them, and the facts about them.  (For example, did you know that this sub-group has one of the lowest recidivism rates amongst persons with criminal records?).  “ Improving Outcomes for Individuals with Sex Offenses” summarizes our two-year project including the history of sex offenses, research methodologies and findings, input from registrants themselves, and a summary of our very successful pilot project through which 67% of the registrants we served obtained employment.

Toolkit:  Improving Outcomes for Individuals with Sex Offenses

The Toolkit begins with a briefing about the history of sex offenses, background information about registrants, and the stigma against them.  Part #1 was written for workforce professionals and other services providers and includes exercises for individuals and groups to think through any concerns they may have about serving registrants, group activities to address those concerns, and tips for serving them.  Part #2 was written for registrants themselves and includes tips for addressing some of their common challenges and a Personal Self-Assessment Tool with which they can identify their goals, challenges, and support systems and customize a plan to help them reach their goals and overcome their challenges.