I want to let you, our supporters, know that our clients are continuing to be served by our 22 member staff who are working safely from their homes. This includes services to individuals by telephone, text, email, and via U.S. Mail and workshops via a platform such as WebEx or Zoom. I am in daily contact with our five managers who are in daily contact with the staff they supervise.
Carl’s video – Forward Focus client story
We are following Carl Grey, former lifer, who was released from state prison in 2018 after serving 37 years. Listen to his compelling journey and learn how Friends Outside in Los Angeles County’s Forward Focus program in Inglewood helped him become a contributing, successful member of his new community.
When a parent is incarcerated, the child is separated from a primary source of security. According to a U.S. Department of Justice report, since the war on drugs began in the 1980s the rate of children with incarcerated mothers has increased 100% and the rate of those with incarcerated fathers has increased more than 75%.
Thankful Thursday
It seems to me that if there is a “Giving Tuesday” that there should also be a “Thankful Thursday” to thank each of you for giving to Friends Outside LA such as through your financial contributions, volunteer time, and overall support of our Mission.
Giving Tuesday
Over the past 30 years I have gotten to know children with incarcerated parents and their families well. Their stories are too similar. And, too many are from impoverished families and live in crime-ridden communities. Your support has enabled us to plan special parties for these children at the time of year that is the most difficult for them.